The material is focused at numerical methods implemented in state-of-the-art CFD industrial codes running on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters.
Mathematical models describing real-world engineering problems such as modelling flows around turbine blades, wind turbulence around a vehicle or boat, improving turbine engine performance, modelling of weather predictions, etc. are quite large in size due to many unknowns involved. On top of that, they present time dependency, meaning that the solution changes at each time step – at every second or even at smaller steps. Solving such problems is not a simple task and the use of HPC technologies and infrastructures enables to perform large simulations and to reduce their runtime.
Skills to be gained:
- be familiar with the theoretical background of the Computational Fluid-Mechanics
- be familiar with the most common discretization techniques of the Navier-Stokes equations (Finite Volume, Finite Element)
- Meshing concepts and possibilities within CFD packages
Public available material:
- Introduction to High-Performance Computing;
- Introduction to Continuum Fluid Mechanics;
- Introduction to Turbulence Modeling;
- Introduction to the Finite Volume method;
- Finite Volume Discretization Techniques of Differential Operators;
- Hands-on with OpenFOAM;
- Meshing 2D and convergence study;
- FEM and FVM: From van Karman to Magnus;
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