ASHPC22 will continue the tradition of the annual Austrian HPC Meetings, held 2015 – 2020, and the first Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting held 2021: Bringing together scientists and technicians with a background and interest in supercomputing. High-Performance Computing (HPC) operates at the limits of computationally feasible problems and helps to conquer new territory of science. Learning about current limitations and exchanging ideas on addressing these issues is vital for the further development in scientific and technological competitiveness. ASHPC22 will be an excellent opportunity to present and learn about the latest research results and exchange ideas between the users and providers of HPC resources.
ASHPC22 & EuroHPC Access Workshop are organized by EuroCC Austria – National Competence Centre for Supercomputing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Austria and EuroCC Slovenia in cooperation with the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), Austria; the Research Area Scientific Computing in Innsbruck, Austria; the Institute of Information Science in Maribor (IZUM), Slovenia and the Slovenian consortium for high-performance computing (SLING).
On the meeting a presentation of the Erasmus+ project SCtrain will be held.
Learn more: https://www.ashpc.at/
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